This year, I’m exploring the future of ‘third place’ through a series of exploratory posts and trend pieces. My goal is to provoke new thinking and spark some unusual conversations about the future of community, connection, and belonging. This first piece will explore a trend i’m watching closely: ‘America Goes Outside.’ Across the US, outdoor […]
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Old Ways Won’t Open New Doors

A few years ago, I went through a major life transition that led me to shut down my design studio of four years and go in-house at a Fortune 50. That decision to step back and go in a new direction didn’t come lightly. It involved laying off my team and eventually telling my favorite […]
What is Design Thinking?

I have been a full-time practitioner of design thinking for six years and a dabbler for over nine. As a seasoned service designer and founder of two design-led companies, my approach to practicing design thinking is more nuanced than that of the average practitioner. Therefore, I want to finally share my point-of-view on the topic […]
Four Trends in Brick and Mortar

I just spent the last twelve weeks traveling to various cities to explore patterns and uncover insights related to the future of brick and mortar for a new business venture. In the spirit of giving it away, I have decided to share some of the key patterns I noticed. I am in the process of […]