That’s the funny thing about the parts of our stories we run from: we never outrun them and ironically we allow them to rule over our lives until we decide to face them.
Stick Shift Driving: Three Lessons for Work-life Balance

Two months ago, at the ripe age of 36, I finally learned how to drive a stick shift car. My husband and I were traveling to Fort Lauderdale and he accidentally booked a manual car. Yeah, I know what you may be thinking: no big deal; but for someone who flunked their driving test twice […]
Taking Up the Pen, Again

This past Christmas, I received one of the most precious, and most challenging, gifts ever. My younger sister Tori is 13 years my junior and she’s just finishing college this year. When she was in high school, Tori interned for me as a social media intern, and for years hence I encouraged her to pursue […]
The New Decade’s Third Place: Part One, America Goes Outside

This year, I’m exploring the future of ‘third place’ through a series of exploratory posts and trend pieces. My goal is to provoke new thinking and spark some unusual conversations about the future of community, connection, and belonging. This first piece will explore a trend i’m watching closely: ‘America Goes Outside.’ Across the US, outdoor […]
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Old Ways Won’t Open New Doors

A few years ago, I went through a major life transition that led me to shut down my design studio of four years and go in-house at a Fortune 50. That decision to step back and go in a new direction didn’t come lightly. It involved laying off my team and eventually telling my favorite […]
Trends Driving In-store Experience in 2019

Earlier this year, I chatted with foot traffic analytics company Dor about key trends driving the future of in-store experience. Dor’s Joanna Rutter and I focused our discussion especially upon applications of trends that had a strong operational foundation, to ensure the chosen trends could be easily applied and scaled, rather than looked at as […]
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I Am Not Joanna Gaines

It’s sad but true. I’ve never been a design personality, an Instagram celebrity, or even a blogger. Yet, i’ve been practicing design professionally for the better part of the past decade. My perspective and the nature of my work (and my home, if i’m honest) doesn’t fit the ‘perfectly curated’ and ‘photoshoot ready’ ethos that […]
The Pop-up Paradigm is Outdated. Here’s How We’re Rethinking It.

Let’s say you’re the brain behind an awesome small brand on the rise and you want to take it physical. You Google “pop-up agencies” simply looking for some ideas and help. What do you find? What are you promised? Largely, retailers who dive into researching how to do a pop-up are bombarded with imagery of […]
Paper Plane is Popping Up

It is with great excitement that I am unveiling my new startup, Paper Plane, this week. In honor of what we’re all about, helping companies run affordable experiments in a brick and mortar way, we’re hosting a pop-up in downtown Durham during Moogfest this Friday to celebrate. Here are all the deets. Moogfest Pop-up Details […]
New Venture & Other Big Updates

Greetings! I am writing you with some exciting news. Since we started in 2012, Trestles has evolved and so has my work as its cofounder. In 2016 I decided to briefly step away from consulting to put myself in the shoes of my customer. I spent a year working in-house as a service designer at Lowe’s, […]